
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's it like....

My inquiring mind wants to know what it's like living in your skin.  What's important to you?  Is it predominately something immediate, such as family, religion, your pets, personal health and/or lifestyle?   Is it on a larger scale, like world peace, the environment we all share?  Is it a combination of many things?  Do you even know how to answer should someone ask you?  When the word, "important" is used in the question, how serious do you take it?  Do you think about it every day?  Once a week?  There is action within that choice.  How often do you participate in the activity?
Ok, that's alot of personal questions, I know.  It's ok, the person who is asking does not get to hear your answers.  But, maybe asking questions will allow an opening up to reveal something worth reflecting on.

WOW, because you are simply dying to know; here's an inside view of what it's like being me. 

Drum roll, please! 

Well, my answers to the question change almost daily. Sometimes I wonder if, as americans, we are tied up with so much messaging that we can't truly define ourselves.  Is that a function of a growing society or simply what it means to be human?   The motto that makes the most sense to me and helps me sort things out is," Actions speak louder than words."  The problem with that is, there often isn't time to observe those actions.  Snap judgments and quick responses are what we value.  So,we take a shot in the dark, trust in people and circumstances and hope it works out for us.  I spend a significant amount of time trying to quiet all the interference and never ending requests for immediacy.  Take all or nothing. The drop off points are arriving.  Timelines and deadlines abound!
                       It makes me crazy when I put myself behind a person or agenda that "feels right" only to be slammed for it later.  Example: A product I buy because I like it and believe in it.  Then I find out the company I have been supporting violates child labor laws, or some equally (or more)  repulsive shortcomings. Slam!  Or voting for someone who I believe in and then, oops.  I may even have gone so far as to do the research. This candidate had so many years of such n such experience, training,education etc. Looks good to me. Then I have to take the plunge. Take his/her word for it, go ahead-trust your instincts for Christ's sake!  Do it now!  Slam!

So, now I level with you here.  I am confused and laying low in efforts to observe for awhile.  Of course I do have important things I think about.  For me, and again my ideas seem to change frequently, are the very basic needs for living and learning to be gracious with what's around me.  Too differentiate between reality and my own made up idiosyncratic tendencies which  I would only share with someone when I look into their eyes.  Yep, that's where it  gets too personal for my tastes, luv.  A fairly recent revelation is when something really feels like a struggle, there usually is something wrong. I found if I step back rather than continue to beat my head, it resolves itself or an answer appears at the right time.  Something tells me that the proper timing is essential to living.  When we lose sight of that, things just don't go right.
That's my story in a nutshell-thanks for being my pal in the quest for the almighty write.  Stay positive, focused and find the time. 
Yours, M.

Friday, November 11, 2011

M.'s Fall migration inward

            My favorite leaf found today                

The memory of sunshine came to me from a taste of a garden tomato.  It was picked green before removing the tomato plants at season's end. Red and ripe appearing like a ghost from summer past.
With the change of seasons, also comes change of focus. Suddenly, the fresh bounty is becoming noticeably thin.  Things that I considered simple needs in summer take on a different meaning.  Shelter, with enough room to move about in, fills me with gratitude.
Food and proper clothing to keep warm. Water, often prized in summer continues to be in winter.  Today, it rained on P. dog's walk. It rained the whole time. When you live in the Pacific Northwest, it's like freedom when you own a good pair of waterproof pants, shoes and jackets. This allows more quality time outside with the pup. She has far too much energy to miss a walk due to weather!  Surprisingly, we saw many people walking their dogs, riding bikes and running. 
Building wind to storm-like conditions finally sent us home.  The gulls pushed against the wind in flight and in vain, only to give up and land in a muddy field to wait.   This is what we have in store for us in the coming months. Waiting out the cold snaps and learn to adapt to what the new season  will bring. 

**Mystery Box contents-next post!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

M.'s thoughts from the den.

A. Cat hiding in Asparagus

Visions of fall bring sunsets of orange and yellow sherbert skies. The pack prepares to complete the final harvest. Tomatoes canned with apples waiting. Peppers and squash slices are in freezer. Kale and carrots head for the warming soup pot right off the field. Fresh seaweed harvested from the Sound scattered around the asparagus plants and the leaves need to gathered for compost.

On the road I see a bumper sticker that says, "Freedom is not free." I struggle with this. "How can freedom NOT be free?" I wonder as I drive by hunters walking through a field. Close by an eagle waits in a tree. Sometimes what protects you most can kill you.
For example, let's say you are a goose and you decide to hang out with an eagle because you can expect to not be shot by the hunters. But, what about the other ramifications?
The eagle by definition, is a power not to be reckoned with.
M.'s thought process today:
When you are dealing with the eagles in your life-proceed with caution. Do not become comfortable with the promise. Examine a little closer and find out what it is that we need to be protected from and by whom?
Reasonable questions in this day and age, don't you think?
'Nuff said.