
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wandering far from home?

Sometimes it's all about walking a new path.  The path leads to the unknown.  You cannot foresee the future on this path.  You have not been there before.  The path invites and waits silently for you to explore. Ready?

Looking for clues as you proceed.  Sometimes with caution and fear.  You've met with flashy promises before and have had your hopes dashed.  The path has you in it's grip, encircling you within it's web of life.  But is there really anything to fear?

Suddenly, you begin to feel comfortable in your surroundings and the walkway widens.  Your senses open up and the beauty of your discovery encourages you further.  With the sound of rolling brook feeding foliage, you reflect on the previous journeys with people, animals, etc. who are no longer with you. Missing them and appreciating the time shared.  The impact they had in your life. Enough to never let them go and forget.  They continue to walk with you in this way.  Down this path.  With your vows of remembrance for what was.  But also, to accompany you in your wonder of what will become. 

Here, time does not stand still. Even in it's quietness, this place is busy with life.  Stopping only briefly to acknowledge your presence. 

Light levels change when you least expect it. The prolific foliage has receded in search of available sunlight. You feel the darkness too and notice how the loss of sun affects your thoughts.

Hope springs to life when you find flowers growing out of fallen tree.  Nearby, you hear the sound of life affirmating water and it gives you some comfort.  The life blood of nature.  

"Time for exploration of another kind.   The nose kind.  My, what a lot of visitors have been here overnight! Wonder if anyone has left anything good to eat."  -P.

Interesting little flower heads make you stop and wonder some more.

And this is what you always hoped for.  The literal "light at the end of the tunnel."  The point of desire when clarity is reached. At which all the noises swirling around in your head make sense or become obsolete.  The place we all strive for. The culmination of all we have ever done or said. A place of no question.  This picture is all the proof I need that clarity is attainable.  When will you take the time to find your light?  

A couple of photos on the way home. 

 The NW spring in full swing:

    < SNIFF>                       "Yummy!"  

Safe travels, 'til next time!

Pacific NW, on mountain time.

Our first hike of the season the day after mother's day.  Not sure about snow line, but headed up to see how far we could get before hitting it. We hiked up the south side of Blue Mountain. Not only had the snow completely melted past the 4,500 ft level, the wildflowers were beginning to bloom.  It was a great time for pictures.

Yep, P.loves to hike and even carries her own back pack.  If we were going on a longer hike, I would also make sure she had enough dog food for a least a day.  Here is what she had in her "day pack" (by Ruffwear) for this hike. 

**Note: This pack may need some adjustments to keep the   
              sides balanced.


Basic contents: 2  (equal size) water bottles, collapsible water bowl,treats,leash,
a couple poop bags and of course, a ball.



View from the trail head...And then I realized I only brought one set of lens. So, wide angle was not going to happen. I had to work with what I had. 

Looking across approx 3 miles to Greywolf mountain area.
Yeah, baby.

Quiet forested trail.  Under the canopy with all the layering of natural forest. How it should be. No breeze, only soft bird calls.  And then, a clearing....


Tree love. 


R. lead the way, P. stayed in the middle. And I lagged behind. I often stopped to take pictures and to enjoy the peaceful scenery that laid before me like a painting. Many signs of the arrival of spring.


Looking through the Alaskan Cedars at the dappled forest floor.


Hot over here, cold over there....Can you feel it?

Now that you are in the mood. Let's add some color with WILDFLOWERS and SUCCULENTS!  OOOOOO!


R. says this is a Glacier Lily

Spreading the pollen love.

Oregon Grape turning colors

Leaf out time coming to a mountain near you!

P. relaxing sans pack at top of mountain next to R.'s walking stick.  It's all downhill from here.

Sharing more soon!  Thanks for visiting!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Drop of a paradigm, city vs. country

Part 2: The City In Photographs
I have been fortunate to live in both the country and the big city.  There are benefits and negatives to each.  I hesitate to choose which I prefer because of the radical differences.  For example, the city offers many opportunities for culture and engaging activity.  The country offers more solitude and a slower pace in a quiet setting.  These traits are not interchangeable.  Somehow, you must choose between them.  Consequently,  while living in one, I tend to fantasize about a life in the opposite.  How do I know where to be when I always miss the other? 
I look to SF to fulfill the city end of the deal.  I spent a few years growing up there.  I love the great food, entertainment, people, history and of course, my beloved Giants.  So, as an occasional treat, I head down there to visit family and enjoy  the lifestyle.   This time I took some photos from Potrero Hill, the farmer's market and from a vehicle.
View from rooftop garden in Potrero Hill

From the dirt to the city


Once I was able to pick my tongue up off the sidewalk, I enjoyed some entertainment.
Here's how some make a living in the city:

Be a singer!


Make balloon toys!
(I'm thinkin' that's a sword, right?)


Roll a crystal ball all over your body!

Become part of a production crew!
(This is California after all!)

The flowers

Nice color

K.'s orchid at home

The Chocolate

Not mentioning the Michael Recchiuti artisan chocolate would be a sin! These photos by permission at the retail store.

Achey breaky ginger hearts!

That's what I'm talking about!

Totally like eating works of art!

Scenes from a vehicle

Heading into town. Passed a long row chess boards set up on Market street. I wish I could sit there all day just talking and taking
 pictures. Some quality time with the city folk.

 No wind, only sun.

SF, with it's beautiful people, food, weather and hidden treasures waiting to be found. Another fab visit. Each time I leave a piece of me there. It does feel like my heart.